When Biology Meets Data Science—An Introduction to Neuroevolution

Tim Hargreaves

PyData Manchester

23rd June 2020


About Me

  • MathStat Undergraduate at University of Warwick
  • Data Scientist at AstraZeneca
  • Computational Statistics and Machine Learning

Talk Objectives


  1. Introduction to evolutionary algorithms
  2. Recap of neural networks
  3. Application of EAs to neural networks


  • High-level with links to further reading
  • Source code/presentation will be linked at the end
  • Chance for Q&As after talk


Conventional Methods for Designing/Tuning Neural Networks

Method Flaws
Copy someone else Requires trust/might not be appropriate
Use intuition No reproducibility; requires said intuition
Brute force/random search Computational complexity
Gradient-based methods Lack of convexity; non-differentiable hyperparameters
Bayesian methods Deciding priors/measuring convergence can be difficult

A Contrasting Approach

  • Evolution offers a solution
  • Can we implement something similar?

Evolutionary Algorithms

Evolution Recap

  • An organism/individual is differentiated by its unique genetic code
  • This genetic code will express itself in physical attributes
  • These attributes impact the likelihood of survival
  • Surviving organisms are more likely to reproduce
  • Reproduction allows an organism to partially pass on their genes
  • Mutations can occur at any time to change an organism's genes

Components of Evolution

  • Genes
  • Fitness/Selection
  • Cross-over/Reproduction
  • Mutation


  • The smallest unit of selection
  • Possible expressions of a particular gene are called alleles
  • Contributes to the physical attributes of the organism


  • Each organism has an abstract value of fitness
  • This relates to its chance of survival/reproduction
  • Genes that encourage fitness are more likely to disseminate


  • Two organisms can reproduce to have children
  • Each child will take half their genetic material from each parent
  • This loosely corresponds to 'mixing' the genes of the parents


  • Genes can mutate to change their expression
  • This can occur at any time but is more likely at birth

Bringing it Together

Evolution Flowchart

Application to Optimisation

  • Genes -> Parameters
  • Fitness -> Score
  • Definitions of reproduction/mutation
  • No one 'correct' formulation

Example: Quadratic Regression


  • Find optimal (least squares) coefficents to fit noisy quadratic data


gene_pool = {
    'a': (-3, 3),
    'b': (-3, 3),
    'c': (-3, 3),
# Initialisation
genome = {
    gene: random.uniform(alleles[0], alleles[1])
    for gene, alleles in population.gene_pool.items()


self._fitness = -np.mean(np.square(y_hat - y))
ranked_organisms = sorted(self.organisms,
                          key=lambda org: org.fitness,

survived = ranked_organisms[:self.retain_length]
for org in ranked_organisms[self.retain_length:]:
    if len(survived) >= self.size:
    if self.random_select > random.random():

# Determine how many children to create
shortfall = self.size - len(survived)

children = []
while len(children) < shortfall:

    mother = random.choice(survived)
    father = random.choice([s for s in survived
                           if s is not mother])

        Organism.breed(mother, father,
                       min(2, shortfall - len(children)))

self.organisms = survived + children


for gene in mother.population.gene_pool.keys():
    # Convex combination of parents' alleles
    p = random.random()
    genome[gene] = p * mother.genome[gene] + \
        (1-p) * father.genome[gene]


for gene, alleles in self.population.gene_pool.items():
    if self.population.mutation_chance > random.random():
        # Convex combination of current allele and random
        # choice from the gene pool
        p = (1 + random.random()) / 2
        self.genome[gene] = p * self.genome[gene] + \
            (1-p) * random.uniform(alleles[0], alleles[1])


  • Grid search on integer lattice: $7^3=343$ combinations
  • For precision of $0.5$ this increases to $13^3=2197$
  • Evolutionary method above had $20$ organisms per generation
  • Linear in number of generations
  • Reasonable convergence at $5$ generations

Comparison to Gradient Descent

$$ \begin{align} \sum\left(y-\hat{y}'\right)^2 &:= \sum\left(y-\hat{y} + c - \hat{c}\right)^2 \\ &= \sum\left[\left(y-\hat{y}\right)^2 + \left(y-\hat{y}\right)\left(c - \hat{c}\right) + \left(c-\hat{c}\right)^2\right] \\ &= \sum\left(y-\hat{y}\right)^2 + K \qquad \left[\sum\left(y-\hat{y}\right)=0\right] \end{align}$$

Key point: How easy is it to calculate gradients?

Evolutionary Algorthms in the Wild

Neural Networks

Neural Network Recap

  • Loosely modelled on the architecture of the brain
  • Capture complex interations between inputs

Neural Network Diagram


Artificial Neuron Diagram

  • Also bias
  • We tune the weights to improve the output

Design Choices


  • How many layers?
  • How many neurons per layer?
  • Which activations?
  • Types of layers? Dropout? Normalisation?


  • Learning rate?
  • Batch size?
  • Weight/bias initialisation?
  • Which optimiser?


Example: MNIST


  • Create a neural network that can accurately identify handwritten digits
  • Network will only get a chance to see each training digit once

A Sample MNIST Dataset

Optimisation Space

  • Number of layers
  • Number of neurons per layer
  • Whether to include bias
  • Whether to use dropout/how much
  • Activation types
  • Optimiser

Search space size: ~10000 combinations


gene_pool = {
    'num_neurons': [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024],
    'num_layers': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    'use_bias': [True, False],
    'dropout_rate': [0., .1, .2, .3, .4],
    'activation': ['relu', 'elu', 'tanh', 'sigmoid'],
    'optimiser': ['rmsprop', 'adam', 'sgd', 'adagrad',
                  'adadelta', 'adamax', 'nadam'],
# Initialisation
genome = {
    gene: random.choice(alleles)
    for gene, alleles in population.gene_pool.items()


self._fitness = self.train_and_evaluate()
def train_and_evaluate(self):
    """Train this organism's model and report the final accuarcy."""
    if self.population.verbose:
        print(f"Training model {self.id}")
    # For prototype, only train for one epoch
    self.model.fit(X_train, y_train,
                   validation_data=(X_test, y_test))

    score = self.model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=False)
    return score[1]  # accuracy
ranked_organisms = sorted(self.organisms,
                          key=lambda org: org.fitness,

survived = ranked_organisms[:self.retain_length]
for org in ranked_organisms[self.retain_length:]:
    if len(survived) >= self.size:
    if self.random_select > random.random():

# Determine how many children to create
shortfall = self.size - len(survived)

children = []
while len(children) < shortfall:

    mother = random.choice(survived)
    father = random.choice([s for s in survived
                           if s is not mother])

        Organism.breed(mother, father,
                       min(2, shortfall - len(children)))

self.organisms = survived + children


for gene in mother.population.gene_pool.keys():
    genome[gene] = random.choice((
        mother.genome[gene], father.genome[gene]


for gene, alleles in self.population.gene_pool.items():
    if self.population.mutation_chance > random.random():
        self.genome[gene] = random.choice(alleles)


num_neurons: 512
num_layers: 5
use_bias: False
dropout_rate: 0.1
activation: relu
optimiser: adam
Randomly created 25 models without improvement
Randomly created 50 models without improvement
Randomly created 75 models without improvement
Randomly created 100 models without improvement
Randomly created 125 models without improvement
Randomly created 150 models without improvement
Randomly created 175 models without improvement
Randomly created 200 models without improvement
Randomly created 225 models without improvement
Randomly created 250 models without improvement
Randomly created 275 models without improvement
Randomly created 300 models without improvement
Randomly created 325 models without improvement
Randomly created 350 models without improvement
Randomly created 375 models without improvement
Randomly created 400 models without improvement
Randomly created 425 models without improvement
Randomly created 450 models without improvement
Randomly created 475 models without improvement
Randomly created 500 models without improvement
Giving up...


Where next?

  • Productionising solution
  • Experimenting with different selection/reproduction/mutation techniques
  • Parallel training on multiple GPUs
  • More sophisticated initialisation

Wrapping Up